I finally got to see "The Dark Knight" (let alone a movie) last Saturday. I was boiling over with anticipation. So many reviews were in with an outstanding call that this will be the best movie of the year, possibly the best comic book movie of all time.
What I am about to write is going against every review and most of what I've heard. I found "The Dark Knight" to be just that, too dark. I know, (the three poeple who actually see this BLOG) the earth just stopped for a moment. Let me explain myself. This Batman movie was very well made. Exceptionally cast, minus the replacement of Bruce Wayne's love interest Rachel Dawes played by (What The Freak!) Maggie Gyllenhaal. Oh where to begin...let's start with the obvious, the Joker was too evil. Yes Heath Ledger did an amazing job and will win an Oscar but if I wanted to watch "A Clockwork Orange" I would of rented it. (Spoiler Alert) The Joker kills with out any remorse weather it's innocent people in the street or his own thugs. And the false Batman's dead body swinging from the building was too graphic and too much.
Two Face Harvey Dent was traggic and I actually crindged when I saw his face. (Very disturbing) His story, rise and fall was sad.
I did find the Scarcrow's return to be an obious attemp to show that the Batman has surpassed his previous enemies. He who was so dangerious in the first movie was defeated in the first few minuets.
This is a comic book turned into a movie? I think this time the Batman movie went too dark and the next one will have to be something different. I only hope they don't try to go darker as they so often do. I did not leave the theater with a good feeling like I did with the first one.
I will not see this movie again.