Friday, February 29, 2008

Desmond...why do you have memory loss?

I swear the last Lost episode was fluff. I mean what does Desmond having some strange memory loss have anything to do with the over all story? It was touching that he was able to finally tell Penny he loved her but can we get back to John Locke and Jacob the creepy ghost or Jack and Kate in the future? And is it me or is Sawyer...I mean James getting annoying with all the wise cracks. This is a guy who in season 1 shot a charging polar bear with a hand gun. I say "bring back the old Sawyer!"

Friday, February 22, 2008


I watched the latest episode of lost last night. I like the new characters from the boat but the flash forwards are making me loose interest in the present island adventure...that is until John Locke put a hand grenade into the mouth of the psychic, ghost talking, money hungry, Chinese guy.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Terminator: SCC & Lost

I've been watching the new series Terminator: SCC and the latest episodes of Lost these past few weeks and I have to say I've been really impressed. Terminator has really brought some big screen special effects to television and Lost is confusing as ever, but I love the flash forward new angle. I'm excited to see what comes next.